History of Bethesda Baptist Church

Bethesda Baptist Church was first organized in the home of J.W. Rawls on August 13, 1855. The new church was originally named Cross Timbers Baptist Church. A log cabin located on the Pleasant Inman farm (1/2 mile south of the present location) served as the original meeting place.
A circuit riding preacher by the name of William (Choctaw Bill) Robinson Served as the first pastor.
After the original log cabin burned in 1878, the membership spent $527 to rebuild on the land donated by Mr. and Mrs. David R. Jackson. In 1887 Sunday School classes began meeting on Sunday afternoons.
The one-room facility was used until it no longer provided enough space and the roof needed extensive repair. In 1937 the church voted to build a larger building at an estimated cost of $1000.
A brick auditorium was constructed and first occupied on April 27, 1959. It was later converted into a fellowship hall when the present sanctuary was completed in 1980. In 1986 a Two-story education building was constructed.
Today this area of Jonson County is growing at a faster rate than ever before in the history of the church. In order to meet the changing needs of the surrounding community, we are currently facing new challenges and have the opportunity of reaching more people than ever before in history. Reflecting God’s love to others and bring them to know Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior is our ultimate goal.